This last week I wrote about checking in with your body after eating in order to start listening to what it was telling you about the affects of the food you ate. If there is anything about being seriously gluten intolerant to be thankful for, it’s that it has really made me more vigilant, more […]
Garlic Chickpea Salad Recipe
As the heat rises, I tend to eat cooler or cold foods. There is nothing as satisfying as a refreshing salad or drink in the hot Summer months. To that end, I’m inventing salads left and right. Needing something cool to eat doesn’t cancel out the fact that I also want something that has been […]
Yogurt Cilantro Dressing
I tend to live in tropical weather for the majority of each year. Sometimes it doesn’t seem like there are seasonal changes at all, but in truth there is always a specific vibe in the air when Summer starts to roll around. I find myself eating more salads and craving cooler foods. As a result, […]
How You Feel After A Meal And Signs Of Self Worth
The practice of checking in with yourself after you eat. How do you feel after you eat? Most of you are familiar with the sensation of being stuffed, bloated, or tired after eating. Jokingly, (though really it isn’t a joke), you use these feelings as evidence that the meal was good and you loved it […]
Ginger Kale Veggie Juice Boost Recipe
I’ve juiced extensively in the past and on and off for the last 20 years. I love juices that are more vegetable than fruit as the sugar bomb fruit juices can be, hit me way to hard and don’t leave me feeling good or energized. But as far as taking in a boost of concentrated […]
The Sunday Slow: It Comes Down To One Thing
It’s raining. A lot. Coming from 10 weeks in California where they are experiencing a catastrophic drought, the climate here in Maui is a shocking contrast. It has rained here every single night since I returned home two weeks ago. Every. Single. Night. There is much symbolism in this for me. The stress and exhaustion […]