Pretty, no? I love radishes, and admittedly, they aren’t a food I tend to eat much of in the Winter. Of late, however, I have made a few hot Thai soups and a cool crisp radish salad on the side tends to keep the spicy bite of the soup going while adding a lovely coolness to the complex flavors.
A little something on the wonders of Radishes:
“A cooling food that’s pungent and sweet in flavor, radishes stimulate the appetite and are an excellent digestive aid. They have antibacterial and anti-fungal action.”
~The New Whole Foods Encyclopedia
I got the idea for this salad from my amazing friend, Leslie, when we were visiting her last month. Super easy, super yum and goes well with Thai and Mexican dishes, this salad is really only necessary in small amounts for its full flavor contribution to the meal. I also will share the “recipe”, but doubt it can be called even that, because as usual, I just played it by ear and used no measurements of anything whatsoever.
::Radish Salad::
A bundle of Radishes, about 10, washed and removed from their stems
Hearty pinch of Salt
Large lemon
Cilantro chopped
1. Wash radishes and slice. For an uncooked dish, I really like to chop or slice veggies in an uniform way. The varying sizes adds to texture and the organic feel of the dish.
2. Places radishes in a lovely serving dish and squeeze the juice of 1/2 to a whole lemon over the radishes.
3. Sprinkle a hearty dash of salt over them.
4. Add chopped cilantro. Amount can vary here. I like a lot of it, but some don’t. I encourage you to play with the flavor.
5. Toss it all and serve. That simple.
Savor it!
ha! we just had this last night with slow roasted carnitas, soupy beans, rice and guac 🙂
admittedly I used lime this time but yumness either way, yes? love love love you honey 🙂
*sighs* I wish I could have been there! Big fat juicy love to you, Ri and Igz.
me too you lovely one 🙂
Love radishes! I've been eating lovely winter radishes of late. Even pickled watermelon radishes (recipe on my blog). They are a highly undervalued vegetable if you ask me!
Your blog is a beautiful place! I look forward to visiting more now having found you!
I\’m glad you found me too! Thank you so much!
Love radishes! I’ve been eating lovely winter radishes of late. Even pickled watermelon radishes (recipe on my blog). They are a highly undervalued vegetable if you ask me! Your blog is a beautiful place! I look forward to visiting more now having found you!