Once a week I go to a local cafe to eat the very same breakfast. I come armed with my trusty and well used Moleskine, 2 of my favorite pens, and my iPhone. It’s a fairly low tech affair, and I’ve done this so much and for so long that I walk in and if the waitress on hand hasn’t already put in my order before I sit down, when one comes to my table, they recite my order to me without even asking what I want.
I don’t mind being so predictable. I love it actually, and it is part and parcel to the ritual that has become integral to my creative process. Once a week, I’m there alone, anonymous for the most part and able to sink into my own world of brainstorming, inspiration and creative visioning. Save for the occasional need of The Google or Skype message to Jon or my girlfriend, it’s all pen and paper, an amazing cup of coffee and breakfast.
2 eggs over hard, hash browns, bacon and hold the toast.
There is an interesting alchemy that takes place between the space, the back ground noise that has nothing to do with me, the windows and doors all being open, the Haiku weather in the early morning, that plate of food, coffee, the same 3 waitresses, the same table and my Moleskine. It’s some magical state that trips my brain into far reaching possibility mode and allows me to be present with the nourishment I’m taking in, the flavors I so love, and the way the environment holds me while I write.
For a couple of hours I’ll sit there, eat and drink at my own slow pace and create outlines, note take and write whole pieces by hand. It’s the only meal in the week that I do this at, and in fact… at no other point in my week does this even feel possible to do.
I don’t question it. I savor it and am constantly in a state of gratitude for it. This is the place where my Food Practice and Artist life intersects perfectly. It allows me to be at once in a state of being nourished and a state of creation unlike any other. It’s become necessary and it’s good.
All this of course, makes me curious. You creatives out there? Do you have something similar? Some repetitive ritual moment in your day or week where you eat and create at the same time? I’d love to hear about it. Please leave a comment below.
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