I’m constantly in a state of glee over how many great food books are published each year. Though admittedly, it also causes me great anxiety because I want to read all. the. books, but can’t quite find the time for it. This year, 2016, my goal is to read 2 books a month for a […]
My First Cookbook Photography Gig
Last July, while Jon and I were in Maui still looking for a place to move to, I got a call from my dear friend and now business partner, Anni Daulter. She was in the middle of writing two books, while another one fell in her lap and would I like to be the photographer […]
Food Photography And Cookbooks
I’ve been pretty scarce from this little blog of mine. I’ve missed the rhythm of planning meals, photographing them and posting them here. I must say, however, that my life has still been completely immersed in food, which I’m grateful for. The last few weeks have been totally dominated by getting this book completely photographed […]
A Centered Dining Experience
The following list on centered dining comes from a book that I turn to almost daily now. Its not really a kitchen reference guide in the traditional sense of the word, but its certainly a guide for my own food practice. I thought to share it now, as we all begin to set tables for […]
Imbuing Food
“The ingredients being prepared for a meal possess their own life force, but another hidden energy that most people overlook is also present in every meal: that energy comes from you.” ~ The Sacred Kitchen We have friends staying with us for a few weeks, which we are loving, because it almost makes the world […]
All Things Alice Waters
Yesterday I had the pleasure of being part of a webinar featuring Alice Waters. Let me say right now that SHE is my other foodie crush! Although there is another, and I’m not committing to just these three, but Alice waters is huge for me. She is, in my eyes, a Kitchen Priestess and getting […]
Dinner And Jamie Oliver’s Food Revolution Episode 3
A couple of days ago, Jon and I drove down the mountain into another town to visit Henry’s for our big grocery run. I was fresh out of ideas for what to put together for our weekly dinner and Jamie Oliver TV night with our neighbor’s, Pat and Anne. So as Jon and I were […]