I swear, I can eat broccoli everyday for the rest of my life if I could. Not sure what it is, but I have always loved it, and finding new ways to eat it is quite fun. This Cranberry Broccoli Salad is a adaptation from a recipe I found eons ago. I don’t even remember […]
Food Practice Wisdom By Alice Waters
A little morsel of food wisdom by the amazing Alice Waters. Enjoy!
Native Foods Restaurant in Palms Springs, Ca
“Native Foods is an organic/vegan/vegetarian restaurant designed to meet the needs of today’s discriminating, health-conscious diners looking for great-tasting food—for both vegetarians and meat-eaters alike.” Enticing mission statement isn’t it? I love Native Foods, and have even posted recipes from the cook book that comes from the creator of Native Foods. Its a great restaurant […]
Winter Root Vegetable Soup
A couple of nights ago, Jon and I were invited to attend a drumming circle/kirtan at our friends’ home. It was to be a vegetarian potluck and being that it was snowing something crazy outside, I thought a soup would be perfect. Not only is soup warming, but there is such a nurturing vibe to […]
Ginger Basil Pesto And Breakfast
Eggs and rice is one of my favorite things, and a comfort food with memories buried deep into my childhood. It was one of my fathers favorites, and the only breakfast he would make. So eggs and rice for breakfast it was, and because I had a little something special stored in the refrigerator for […]
A Couple’s Food Compatibility
One of my earliest memories of my relationship with Jon, was when we were sitting at a dinner table with his family and everyone was eating a set meal, and he and I were served the vegetarian option. I knew he was also a vegetarian, and its one of the things that attracted me to […]
Portabella Tacos With Salsa Verde
I have been cooking up a storm in the kitchen, ever since I came off my cleanse. Trying out easy and casual dishes with a bit of a different twist has been my interest lately. Tacos are a favorite here, and I found a recipe for a salsa verde that really inspired me. These tacos […]
Friday Afternoon Coffee
I’ve started spending time with a very artsy friend on Friday’s at her place. She has the kind of art studio that would make even the least crafty person swoon. Yesterday, in the middle of chill music, cold rain outside and a break on my part to look through People Magazine, she offered me coffee. […]
Gluten Free Bread Loaf
Bob’s Red Mill Homemade Wonderful Bread Mix is now a total staple in my pantry. I’ve mentioned before that I’ve tried quite the variety of pre-baked gluten free bread loaves from the market as well as mixes. None of them were remotely as good as Bob’s Red Mill mixes. The bread is soft, moist, and […]