“Whoever happens to be the cook acts as a nurturer in that household. Whether you are a woman or a man, this role should be taken as a great honor, for you represent a higher nurturer when making dinner.”
~The Sacred Kitchen: Higher-Consciousness Cooking for Health and Wholeness
Perfect sentiment.
Very nice. I work for a tribal propery. They believe that the attitude of the cook goes into the food and so it is important to cook with love, or at least with good intention, and not to be stressed-out or in a foul mood because that energy goes into the food and is consumed by the one eating.
I believe this as well. We imbue whatever we touch with our state of being in that moment. Imagine if we all thought this way? I often wonder what was happening in the life and mind of cooks in restaurants that I go to. Its an amazing thing to consider.
Great quote!
Nice consideration to end a day with.
Amen. 😉
While working with food, either the gathering or the preparation of a meal, I chant the mantra, "OM Sri Dhanvantre Namaha." It is translated as "Salutations to the Divine Healer, Dhanvantre." It has been said that many wives in India use this chant while making meals with the intention of bringing wellness and wholeness to the family.
I use this mantra almost non-stop while working with food. Sometimes I am under stress or feeling resentful in my personal life. It is my greatest desire that my personal issues remain mine, and that the food is touched by the divine healer, Dhanvantre. (Dhan-von-tray).
Thank you for this! I've worked with this mantra as well when preparing a meal! I don't work with it all the time however. I play with various intentions depending on the meal and who will be eating it. For instance, today, my Beloved and I both have much to do for our respective work and are finding ourselves much to easily distracted. Today's intention while preparing food? Focus. Laser beam vision, and clarity. When its something specific like this, I will give myself a moment or two while entering the kitchen to come back to center and hold the sensation of the intention within my body, and then hold that, speak that and envision that while I create our meal.