This Food Practice is an excerpt from the list of practices shared in the book, Summer, Embrace Pleasure In Food, an installment in the Food Practice through The Seasons series. Each season contains a practice for each week of the seasons. 13 total. CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFORMATION. The distinction between pseudo pleasure and true […]
Savoring Food As A Meditation
This Food Practice is an excerpt from the list of practices shared in the book, Summer, Embrace Pleasure In Food, an installment in the Food Practice through The Seasons series. Each season contains a practice for each week of the seasons. 13 total. CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFORMATION. This week is a refinement of the […]
Attending Pleasure As A Food Practice
This Food Practice is an excerpt from the list of practices shared in the book, Summer, Embrace Pleasure In Food, an installment in the Food Practice through The Seasons series. Each season contains a practice for each week of the seasons. 13 total. CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFORMATION. “Pleasure is an essential nutrient that you […]
Taking Stock. Your Pantry As The Foundation For Your Kitchen Cooking
This Food Practice is an excerpt from the list of practices shared in the book Spring, Cultivate Life, an installment in the Food Practice Through The Seasons series. Each season contains a practice for each week of the season. 13 total. CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFORMATION. For all intents and purposes I have two official […]
Cultivate Your Food Sources
This Food Practice is an excerpt from the list of practices shared in the book Spring, Cultivate Life, an installment in the Food Practice Through The Seasons series. Each season contains a practice for each week of the season. 13 total. CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFORMATION. Cultivation requires consciousness. In order to grow something you […]
Loyalty, Protection + Food
This Food Practice is an excerpt from the list of practices shared in the book Spring, Cultivate Life, an installment in the Food Practice Through The Seasons series. Each season contains a practice for each week of the season. 13 total. CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFORMATION. The year before Jon and I got married there […]
Cultivating Health And Intention With Food
This Food Practice is an excerpt from the list of practices shared in the book Spring, Cultivate Life, an installment in the Food Practice Through The Seasons series. Each season contains a practice for each week of the season. 13 total. CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFORMATION. In my early 20s I began to explore ritual […]
A Food Practice Spring Blessing
May you enter into this new season refreshed, replenished and ready to step into the light of day naked and true to who and what you are. May you walk through the initiatory portal of this Spring Season with the courage and tenderness necessary to cultivate a beautiful culture of health, celebration, empowerment and community. […]
Conscious Approach, Setting Intention and How It Recalibrates Your Relationship With Food
Seasonal Marker More than half of Winter is over. If you joined the Food Practice tribe and bought the Winter, A Turning Inward book, right about now you’re reading and practicing the Setting Of Intention. Nothing adds meaning to an activity or an event as consciously setting an intention for what it is you want […]