We are leaving for our Summer away in Maui tomorrow. And as you can imagine, I have been on a quest to go through all the perishables in the refrigerator before we leave. This is definitely a place of challenge for me. I know many who can look at what is left in their pantry […]
Dinner And Jamie Oliver’s Food Revolution Episode 3
A couple of days ago, Jon and I drove down the mountain into another town to visit Henry’s for our big grocery run. I was fresh out of ideas for what to put together for our weekly dinner and Jamie Oliver TV night with our neighbor’s, Pat and Anne. So as Jon and I were […]
Dinner For Two: Eating Habits Of A Couple
Jon and I haven’t eaten dinner together for a couple of days now. Its one of the downfalls I think, of both of us working from home and for ourselves. When we are both deep in our projects we have a ‘fend for yourself’ type day, where we get up at different times, and eat […]
Gluten Free Pizza and Salad!
Since going gluten free, and having ZERO baking skills, one of the things I have missed horribly is pizza. P i z z a. Oi… just thinking about it makes me sigh. I was never a huge pizza eater, but you know how it is, every once in a while you just get a craving […]
Inspired By Fat Free Vegan Kitchen
In my weekly perusal of gorgeous food blogs, I came upon this delicious recipe over at Fat Free Vegan Kitchen. I had most of the ingredients already and decided to try it. And of course, true to form, I ended up partially following the recipe and improvising as I went. (This is why I completely […]