Food Practice Weekly, finally got a revamp… sort of. Periscope didn’t feel right for the intimacy I want to hold space for in our chats about our personal relationship with food and creating a mindful food culture for ourselves. I love the spontaneity of Periscope and how amazing it is for connecting with new people, […]
Food Practice Weekly 8: The Pleasure Principle
You can catch live broadcasts on Periscope under my Twitter handle @ElenaRego each Sunday. For more information go HERE.
Food Practice Weekly 6: Making Food For Others As A Service Of Love
You can catch live broadcasts on Periscope under my Twitter handle @ElenaRego each Sunday. For more information go HERE.
Food Practice Weekly 5: Shifting The Weight Loss New Year Resolution Habit
You can catch live broadcasts on Periscope under my Twitter handle @ElenaRego each Sunday. For more information go HERE.
Food Practice Weekly 4: Entering The Holiday Season
You can catch live broadcasts on Periscope under my Twitter handle @ElenaRego each Sunday. For more information go HERE.
Food Practice Weekly 3: Choose Who You Break Bread With
You can catch live broadcasts on Periscope under my Twitter handle @ElenaRego each Sunday. For more information go HERE.
Food Practice Weekly Broadcast 2
You can catch live broadcasts on Periscope under my Twitter handle @ElenaRego each Sunday. For more information go HERE.