Michelle Currie of Meditative Arts, has put together a wonderful teleclass series for women called Meditative Flow.
Meditative Flow is a 4-week teleclass series to help you flow through your day. It’s simple, easy-to-digest, interactive, and hands on. Get ready for movement, breathing, apples (ya, you read correctly), photography, art, relaxation, and fun!
There will be 4 teachers, including moi, each week for an hour long journey into a more mindful life. I’m really excited about this and highly encourage each of you to check out the page and register to join us. It will be great to get a chance to sit with many of you through a teleclass and share the beauty and mindfullness behind a Food Practice. Click on the link above and there you will find the schedule, all the goodies Michelle is including with the series and information on how to register.
See you there!
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