“Then I asked the Roshi if he had any advice for me as the cook. His answer was straightforward and down-to-earth: ‘When you wash the rice, wash the rice; when you cut the carrots, cut the carrots; when you stir the soup, stir the soup.’
‘Ok,’ I decided, ‘I’ll make those words my life.’ They became a life jacket, the proverbial Buddhist ‘raft’, something which keeps you afloat, even when you are going under.”
~Tomato Blessings And Radish Teachings
The Earth is shaking hard in my life right now. It’s shaking and spinning and I just keep coming back to my writing and my food. The above quote sit perfectly at the heart of what I call the presence in Food Practice. Nothing ever exists beyond what you are engaged in for that moment. And so today, while I sliced tomatoes, I simply sliced tomatoes.
Ashley Bee says
Great philosophy 🙂
thomasstrome says
It's nice to have a radish or tomato salad bought by caterers Long Island on wedding and anniversary events. Who wouldn't love to have salads on the banquet table once in a while?