So I’m in a Starbucks with Jon, which is right up the street from the Millenium Restaurant, where the first event of the Foodbuzz Bloggers Festival will be in a couple of hours. This will be an unofficial dinner of sorts for those of us that have gotten into town early. The actual festival begins tomorrow. That I’m excited is an understatement, but that I’m nervous? Well… that is a growing issue and it has nothing to do with meeting new people!
We took a very long route up here, stopping for a couple of days at Jon’s aunt and uncles home to drop off our Tucker dog for some doggie sitting. I’ve already, in the course of this trip, eaten out 4 times! 4. And now here I sit at Starbucks of all places trying to get some work done before we go to our gathering. I’m nervous about my already sluggish digestive system having to navigate another 4 days of eating all sorts of food from all sorts of different places, and none of them my kitchen!
And its not just the gluten issue. Its really about how heavy restaurant food can be. There are things I do to help with this, to be sure. I have emailed ahead with the Foodbuzz coordinators to let them know I’m gluten free. I also always check a restaurants website ahead of time to scan the menu for possible dishes I would like and that I can actually eat. If I have questions, this gives me a chance to call in advance rather then hold up the order by asking at the table. And of course when I’m feeling like I’ve just overloaded my body with too much rich food, I just opt for a fresh small salad while making sure to inhale the amazing aromas of the other dishes!
Right now, I’m on my second cup of water to keep me hydrated, while intermittently sipping on the blended Chai Jon got me. He got me a venti, when I usually get a tall, but I make peace with throwing away what I can’t drink.
So my fellow foodie conscious freinds… How do you handle your bodies needs when eating out a LOT?
I think i've mentioned this at dinner, but we are very lucky to be living in CA that most places are willing to help out with gluten issues. I was and still am crazy nervous too. I think a lot of people are. I'm not used to eating out this often and as a chef, I tend to be a control freak. But the festival is a time to practice letting go a little. I'm with ya though, so don't feel like your the only one.
Thank Eden! And its true… having others in the same predicament is a bit comforting albeit bittersweet. But so far, now into my second food event here, I'm feeling pretty taken care of, which is an amazing feeling! See you soon!
UGH I bring food with me. I ask a lot of questions and try to scare the servers into thinking my daughter will die if she eats any gluten–sure it is an exaggeration but it is better than telling the server THEY will die if they serve my daughter gluten. 😉
*laughs* I've done the same thing! The exaggeration I mean. I have yet to bring food with me, athough I'm planning salad dressings and gluten free bread to be my restaurant staples.