Election week was brutal. Monday was fine, but as the results started coming in at 3PM PST, I fought between turning it all off and checking in on the polls incessantly. It was a hard day here at this house. We both thought Hillary would win and we both feel that Trump winning is to the detriment of all we hold dear in this country. I’ve never been so upset by an election in my life.
I was in no way a fan of Bush, and because we traveled a lot, we saw first hand the negative opinions of those around the world regarding his presidency. There is a lot I can say about that man and how he caused damage we are still paying for, but honestly? Bush was a walk in the park compared to what Trump ushers in.
This blog isn’t really about politics, but eating is. And in that evening and the day after, both Jon and I were so struck by the results of this election, the total disbelief, the fear, the uncertainty and just the shock of it all, that eating was impossible. My stomach was in knots all week, even when we managed to go to the movies to avoid thinking about anything.
Often we over eat to numb out low level chronic stress, but when you’re hit that hard, somethings eating just wouldn’t even work to nourish the body. You can’t absorb nutrients when every part of your being is contracted and in active resistance to your reality.
It does bring up the need to nourish through those times though. The body is depleting quickly when it’s that stressed and assaulted by difficult emotions. I have been growing in my curiosity about bone broth, especially given that it’s come up in discussion over at the Food Practice Gathering Circle on Facebook. I’m thinking it needs to be a staple in the frozen pantry at all times. You never know when you’re going to need to feed yourself in times when you can’t think of eating.
Monday, November 7, 2016 – Idyllwild, California – White rice, mushroom ragout, carrot and pumpkin roast
Tuesday, November 8, 2016 – Idyllwild, California – We didn’t eat. Literally just sat in the living room shocked and drinking wine to medicate. Literally. Medicate.
Wednesday, November 9, 2016 – Idyllwild, California – Jon and I. We didn’t eat again. Too upset and tight in our bellies. We went out to see The Accountant instead.
Thursday, November 10, 2016 – Whittier, California. Just me on my way to visit my brother. Cheese burger on gluten free bun and side salad
Friday, November 11, 2016 – Idyllwild, California. Jon and I. I made my slow cooked chicken pomodoro recipe for me, Jon ate ravioli in red sauce.
Saturday, November 12, 2016 – Idyllwild, California. Jon and I. Chicken Salad for me, Veggie Burrito for Jon.
Sunday, November 13, 2016 – Idyllwild, California. Jon and I. We didn’t eat.
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