“In a sacred kitchen, higher consciousness cooking becomes a stress free meditation by which you clear your mind and restore your connection to the Divine. It is the sacred temple in which your holy alchemy becomes a nourishing flame of beauty in your home and community.”
I’m still sitting with this practice of cooking for a deeper spiritual practice and connection with the present. This week has been particularly mired for me. The creative juices are just not flowing the way I need and want them too, and so I keep turning to other things, where flow does happen.
Creative frustration can be a torturous thing, let me tell you. I can barely keep still these days, my skin feels so uncomfortable over me. The truth is that even trying to decide what to make for dinner has become a challenge. But you know… simplicity is always the doorway to stillness and meditation and that’s what I went for last night.
Unable to really manage some elaborate dinner, I went for a salad. Reaching into the refrigerator, I just grabbed what called me and what looked vibrant. I tossed together shoe string jicama, torn kale, chopped up romaine lettuce, grated carrots and torn parsley. I really didn’t question what it would all taste like together. It was really about losing myself in the cleaning, chopping, tearing and grating. By the time I got to making the dressing, my mind was settling quite a bit.
I took a deep breath and looked around the kitchen casually, unsure of what kind of dressing I would make. These two luscious blood oranges caught my eye, and something seemed to come over me… a lovely wave of release. Beauty in food can be a healer that way and as I hand squeezed the crimson juices into a mixing bowl whatever concerns I had when I first entered that kitchen had slid away and in place of that was awe over how amazing the color of these oranges were.
I don’t know. It likely sounds a bit hokey, but I’m telling you, sometimes the beauty of a moment, completely infused with color, texture, scent and taste can stop the world and recalibrate it all.
I served myself a bowl of salad, sprinkled some raw hulled sunflower seeds on top, drizzled some blood orange dressing on top and had a slow and silent meal. Sometimes that’s all that’s needed.
“Imagine yourself as an artist when you cook…”
~The Sacred Kitchen
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